Monday, August 9, 2010

Tic-Tac-Toe Bean bag game

Ok, I came across this blog called: sew totally smitten She made  this adorable Tic-Tac-Toe Bean bag game!

I think this would be such an adorable gift for a Birthday girl! Don't you?? Even if you are new to sewing this project would be manageable! It's all straight lines and looks easy enough (I say that, but haven't made it ask me after I attempt this project. LOL)

Here's her Tutorial:

What you need:

1 yard white canvas
Masking Tape
Fabric Paint
One 4 lb. bag White Navy Beans
Two 1/2 yards of two different fabrics for the bean bags
Bias Tape home made or store bought

Let's get started!

Cut your canvas so it measures 36" X 36"
Fold the mat (canvas) in thirds and iron creating 3 equal sections. Then rotate and do the same. You will now have 9 equal squares.
Using one long piece of tape, lay masking tape 1/2" away from the fold line on both sides. This will give you a 1" paint line. Make sure to press and smooth edges of the tape REALLY well so you will not have bleeding like I did in the lower left. :) oops! Set the mat aside and let dry.

Grab your fabric for the bean bags.
You are going to need (10) bean bags (5) of each fabric. Cut each piece into 12 1/2" x 6 1/4" rectangles. Fold each in half with right sides together, stitch sides using a zig-zag stitch, leaving a small hole to turn.   
After turning right side out fill each bag with 1 cup of beans.
Tuck opening in and close using a strait stitch. Continue all the way around the bean bag sealing the beans from coming out and creating and nice finished edge.

Grab your mat and bias tape. Pin all the way around and then bast using a strait stitch. 
Your DONE!
Isn't that cute???!! Ok who has a birthday coming up that I can make this for...?
You will have to go visit Sew Totally Smitten's site because right after her Tic-Tac-Toe Tutorial she has a Red Velvet Cake Recipe that looks delicious!!!
So click here to visit her site and someone invite me over for a slice!!! 

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