Wednesday, August 4, 2010

10 Minute skirt

I want to make this!!!! 
I LOVE everything about this project!
  1. EASY
  2. Super cheap if found at a yard sale or Goodwill- for less than $1.00
  3. You can make it yourself!
  4. QUICK
I was visiting a blog called: "Realynn" the other day . A blog I found from visiting someone else's blog. And came across this ADORABLE idea!! You will have to go visit her blog! She's got some great idas.

Here's her 10 Minute Skirt Tutorial:

Want to make a quick and easy skirt for your little girl or you?
This skirt seriously took me no more than 10 minutes to make. I'll show you how I did mine. 

I found a window valance at a yard sale and bought it for only .25 cents. Get out! I was so excited. I had no idea where I was going to hang it but I loved the red stitch detail so had to have it. 
I decided that hanging it in a random room with not another matching valance wasn't something I wanted to do so it has been sitting here for a few months.

The other day I finally decided what I wanted to do with it. I figured it would make the perfect skirt for Reagan and it would be so easy to make because I wouldn't have to even make a waistband for the elastic. I just used the opening for the curtain rod. 
So first I cut my elastic the length I needed for my daughter's waist.
Then with a safety pin I pulled the elastic through the curtain rod opening until just a tiny bit was hanging out.

I pinned the elastic in place.

And sewed that opening shut.

Here is the first side I did sewn shut.
Now continue pulling the elastic through the curtain rod opening until you have it just poking out the other side and pin in place.

Sew this side shut now.
With right sides together pin the open end of the skirt and sew.

If you have a serger serge your seam, if not just do a zig zag stitch.

Now you are all done! Flip the skirt right side out and throw it on your little one!
The valance was long enough that I could have made this skirt for me but it would have been a mini skirt and I'm not sure the world wants to see me in a mini. :)
I am planning on doing some thrift shopping this week to try to find some more cute valances and maybe I'll make myself one just to see what it would look like as an adult version. 

How Cute right??!!
So someone make one and send me some pictures! 
I'm going to be on the hunt for a cute and cheap valance! 

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