Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to create rockstar toes at home!

I love cutting corners when it comes to finances. Meaning...I Love thrift shops, yard sales and the goodwill. There's such a satisfying feeling when you score something great at at fraction of the cost! I know I'm a little weird but I am a discount shopping queen. Just ask some of my closest friends. Odds are one piece of my clothing came from the Goodwill or super cheap! That's fun to me!!=)

This is something I do ALL the time! Create "Rockstar" toes at home! 
does a great tutorial. Look below and then check out her blog for some great ideas!

Like Bling for your Feet

Warning: there are about to be feet on my blog.  But I promise they are not my feet.  I feel a little weird about putting pictures of my feet on my blog, it's kind of outside my comfort zone.  So instead of showing you this fun pedicure with my own feet, I'm showing you pictures of cute Hallie's little six year old feet instead.

Have glitter toes been all the rage in the pedicure scene where you live?  They are huge here in Utah.  I kind of thought they seemed fun for little girls, but wasn't sure if I'd like them for myself until Hallie and I had a pedicure day recently.  Now I'm pretty sold, and think they are really fun for the summer season.  The idea behind these is that with the added glitter and gel layer the pedicure will last longer than normal.  We're only on day 2 here, but so far so good.  I'll have to let you know if the homemade version lasts extra long, but even if it doesn't I'm still liking it.

I stopped into Sally's Beauty Supply the other day for some Bobby Pins (I don't like the grocery store variety, they don't hold my hair very well).  Anyway while we were in there Hallie and I decided to get the supplies for glitter toes.  I picked up a new nail polish, fine glitter, and this product called Gelous.  The nail polish was on sale for $2, and I believe the glitter was $0.99 and the Gelous was around $6, so for under $10 Hallie and I are set with pedicure supplies for the summer.  Even if you don't try glitter toes pick up a bottle of the Gelous, it's an awesome, thick top coat.

(pictures from "My Blonde Ambitions")
Okay so this is really simple.  First paint nail polish onto your toes (we did one toe at a time and only needed one coat).  

Then take your glitter and sprinkle it all over the toe.  You want a really thick amount of glitter.  I put some tissue paper under our feet to catch the glitter.  

Then kind of wiggle your toes to get the excess glitter to fall off. 

Then let that dry for just a few minutes and put a coat of the Gelous over top of the glitter.  A little bit of the glitter will come off onto the brush, but not very much, most of it will stay on your toe. 

Voila, glitter toes!  These would be fun in some other colors, but I'm a red pedicure kind of girl. 

 It will take a little while for the excess glitter to wipe off of your toes, it's super fine and kind of sticks to your feet.  But just use a dry q-tip and dust off around your toenail.  I can't wait to try these in some other colors.  Go ahead and try it, I  hope you add some glitter to your summer pedicures!

1 comment:

  1. Totally just did this on my own toes... and they turned out AWESOME! LOVE how easy it was, and I really love the Gelous! I got clear glitter and it worked well over pink polish! I will have to keep my eyes open for other cute glitter colors!
    Thanks for the post!
