Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are we putting a label on our kids? Are we limiting our Children?

At  our MOPS Convention I signed up at the imom booth for their Espresso Minute.
It's just a quick email to start your day thinking about your child with inspiration, ideas, information and insight. It also closes with what's called "Pillow Talk". 
A quick idea or questions to ask at the end of the day with your child.

Here's today's Espresso Minute. You can click HERE to visit imom and get some great parenting tools and also sign up for the Espresso Minute.

How Moms Limit Their Children

When my daughter’s vacation bible school leader approached me to say that she was the smartest kid in her class, my immediate response was, “That’s funny—her brother’s the smart one.” It took just a second for me to realize how ridiculous my statement was.
It’s so easy to label our children: the brain, the athlete, the artist, etc. But sometimes our attempts to classify, limits them or discourages them.  I know of a very intelligent, successful grown man who still thinks he has a bad memory because his mom labeled him as the child who couldn’t remember things. Another mom I heard about was afraid to let her intelligence show in her family because her older sister was the academic one.
Are you making any of these 5 labeling mistakes that can limit your kids?  Even if you’re not, print out these 16 motivational quotes so you can use words to positively motivate.  Of course, our kids can’t live in a bubble, so also share these 2 ways to cope with criticism.

Pillow Talk

End your day: Talking with your child

What three words do you think I would use to describe you?

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