Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank you...

Most of you know I have a big place in my heart for our military men and women who serve or have served our country. No matter what your political view may be. These men and women deserve to know how thankful we are to them and their families and for the sacrifices they have had to make.

This is one of my favorite videos. The song and the pictures that are shown really make you stop and think...Even if you don't know someone specific serving overseas you can relate as a mom and a wife. Stop and think, what if that was your husband over there? The holidays are here and he is on the other side of the world. How do you explain to your children that he wont be home for Christmas? These are real life sacrifices that are made by these brave men and women.

As an American I feel it is our responsibility to take a moment and be appreciative that there are individuals who choose to serve our country and keep us safe. So take this moment and say a prayer for those individuals who are overseas, in danger, hurt, missing their families, feeling like no one at home (America) even cares about what they are doing or what they are having to sacrifice along the way. Pray for God to give them strength, to keep them safe and let them know that they matter and that their families matter. If you know someone who has a loved one overseas think about what you can do for that family. Offer to send a care package to their loved one with all their favorite items from home that they've been missing. Do something to let them know that you are thankful. There are a lot of men and women who don't receive any mail overseas. A letter can make all the difference.

KAXL has a list of loved ones who are currently serving. You can view that list here.

However right now we also have a PRAISE! Rebecca Street's brother, Dan Roodzant, just got back from Afghanistan this week! He is stationed in Colorado. Rebecca's parents are on their way right now to visit him. After serving his country for 4 years Dan will be getting out of the army in a few months.

God, thank you for you keeping your hand on Dan Roodzant. Keeping him protected and safe. What a blessing it is to know that he is home. We ask that you continue to be right by Dan's side as he makes the transition from being on constant guard and living that lifestyle to living the life you want for him. This can be a tough transition for many. He has seen things that we will never even be able to imagine. Help him have restful nights Lord. And when he struggles we pray he will find peace in You. In your name we pray, Amen.

If you have a loved one serving overseas please contact me so we can be praying for him or her. MOPS international also has many military MOPS groups too. We know the blessings our group has had on each of us. Imagine the importance for them within their group. MOPS is such a blessing to so many. Thank you God for this amazing ministry.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lynn! Thank you so much for lifting my brother up in prayer. I'm sure the transition will be difficult for him, but I know his faith in God will help him. We are so thankful that the Lord chose to keep him safe while he was in Afghanistan.

    All military personnel, and their families, sacrifice so much for our personal freedoms and those of other needy people in the world. They deserve our utmost respect! What a nice post.
