Friday, January 6, 2012

Strengthening your Marriage!

It's a NEW Year and that means it's a clean slate! Don't feel bad if you've already broken your New Year's Resolutions. Today is a new day... get up and try again. 

One thing that I want to do this year is work harder for my marriage. It's so easy to put our marriage on the back burner because you know your spouse will always love you and be there for you no matter what. But that's not really a marriage is it? Not one that I want. Believe me I've been guilty on this numerous occasions with: having a brand new baby, sleep deprived, then transitioning from 1 child to 2, then with ministry... and the list goes on. But you know what... God blessed me with an amazing husband! You know how I know this...because I was 19 and my husband was 21 when we got married 11 1/2 years ago! 

It's no coincidence that we've made it this far. God is the one to thank for creating a strong marriage over the years. He created Ryan to be my better half, and for me to be his! Like all marriages we have our ups and downs but one thing we know is that neither of us will ever give on each other. But one thing that I've learned over these 11 1/2 years (and STILL am learning) is that marriage takes work. A constant effort of putting time into each other. I know Ryan knows that I love him, but I want to make sure he knows and FEELS how much I am IN love with him!

 I figured I am probably not the only one who wants to make their marriage even better. So I am going to try to post on Wednesdays some fun ideas that I've found to strengthen our marriages. 
I believe in us wives working together to encourage one another of this!
Many of the ideas I have found are Date Nights IN! I know that it's hard to find sitters to do the ideal "Once a week Date" with your husband. So this will give us a chance to still have date nights on those nights we don't have a sitter. Dates  we can do after we get the kiddos in bed. 
Your husband might even want to help you more on getting the kids bathed and ready for bed if he knows he has a date with you....

So here we go:
Yes I know today being Friday it doesn't give you a lot of time to prepare but you can still make it happen! We can't be lazy, especially when it comes to our marriages. So plan this for tonight or tomorrow night. One of my favorite websites is 
They have the best ideas and printables to making dating your husband easy!
For tons of ideas visit their page!

This Date Night is called:  My Choice, Your Choice! 
(All the photos are from The Dating Divas)

Plan: Send your husband a text or email or leave him a note for when he gets home saying: once the kids were in bed, we are going to turn everything off and just be together.   Also tell him, "we both will each choose one treat and a game to play".

Choice #1: A Treat
Give him a couple of options for either you to make something or pick up something easy (candy, cookies, favorite dessert at a restaurant to go)

Choice #2: A Game
So with treats in hand,  pick a board game, card game or wii game.   If it's a board game put on some nice music and lite some candles. No phones/computer. Just focus on the game at hand and of course each other.  There is something to be said about playing a game in candle light.

After enjoying the game. It's your turn. On the Diva's page they 
have printables and a "how to" guide to make this great conversation jar for questions for you and your husband. 
Have a great time taking turns and answering questions about yourselves.  Try guessing what the other will say or be surprised.  You are sure to learn something new about your spouse.

Most importantly have fun and enjoy each other!

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