Tuesday, May 8, 2012


What an incredible day we had today at Tea & Testimony!

 Thank you everyone for being so honest and transparent. Showing that there really are no perfect people, no perfect wives or husbands, no perfect mothers, no perfect daugthers, no perfect Christian....just a PERFECT God with a perfect plan. What a blessing to know that flawed and all we are still unconditionally loved, redeemed, forgiven and valued in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. We are God's masterpiece and He has big plans for each of our lives. This will be my last post on here as your MOPS Coordinator =)

I have been incredibly blessed by each of you amazing women. God has BIG things planned for this ministry up ahead. I know that with Michele Wilbert as your new Coordinator, God is going to do great things! I pray that you never forget that you were not a mistake, God made you for a purpose, His purpose. You are His precious daughter. You are a daughter of a King and He is just waiting for you to reach for His hand so He can lead the way. I pray that you take what you've seen first hand this MOPS year and use that to reach out to someone else so they know they are not alone in this Mothering journey. That you take time to laugh. Laugh with your spouse and laugh with your kids, it's ok to be silly. I pray that you know that one person can make a difference and it starts with just doing what you can. And most importantly...I pray You know that You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you! Love you girls!=)

Lynn Bradshaw

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