Monday, March 12, 2012


Parenting and Marriage are the two main areas that we can continuously be learning and improving. I LOVE books! Especially getting books from the library (FREE) or at the goodwill bookstore (off of Rosedale Hwy, just passed Calloway-these books are usually .95 cents!). I also love book recommendations! 

I found this blog: Modern Parents Messy Kids.
She has some book recommendations that I'm curious to check out. These are books that I have not read and of course I'm not saying MOPS recommends them. This is just a curious fact to check out since they pertain to a lot of areas in parenting that we moms face. 

to go directly to the page and see more info.

Here is a brief over view of what books they are talking about and their photo of the books:

  1. 15 minutes Outside - It seems every spring since having kids I make a vow to spend more time outdoors with them.  From what I've heard, this book is full of ideas for getting families outside and I like the attainable goal of starting with just 15 minutes a day.
  2. Siblings Without Rivalry - I first checked this out from the library on my pediatrician's advice when I was pregnant with S.  Then I had S and promptly forgot about it until it was mentioned again by a teacher at her toddler group.  Considering that the longest relationship my children will have will be with each other, perusing a book or two on how not to ruin it as their parent seems worthwhile.
  3. Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child - If you're a regular reader here than you've probably picked up on the fact that I'm a big proponent of emotional coaching.  Despite learning about it from early childhood educators and attending presentations on the topic, I've still yet to read the book on it.
  4. The Five Love Languages of Children - I think the premise of this one is fascinating, that kids have specific love languages they're most receptive to and that you can actually figure out which one works best for yours.
  5. Raising Confident Boys - Honestly I don't know anything about this one but I keep seeing it on the shelf of our toddler group library (which is generally a good endorsement) and I find it so intriguing.  There's a lot being said these days about self-esteem and self-worth for girls but I rarely hear mention of the topic specifically related to boys.

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