Sunday, February 12, 2012

20 Easy Ways to Show Kids How Much You Love Them.

I came across this great article. Alot of it are things we know, and maybe are doing. But I thought like most things... we know these ideas.... but we NEED to make sure WE are doing them. =) This article came from "Babble" which has some other great articles and info. Click HERE.

Here's a picture of me and my kiddos.

20 Easy Ways to Show Kids How Much You Love Them


I love my kids so much that I sometimes go without food, drink, sleep or other conveniences so they can have an easier, more comfortable life. It’s certainly not anything dramatic, but there are nights once the littles are in bed that I sit down on the couch and realize I haven’t had a decent meal or moment to myself all day long. It’s a wonderful existence, raising these two little girls of mine, but it can also be an exhausting one. The everyday things we go through and do for our kids as their parents are testaments to just how much we love these little critters, but sometimes kids don’t see a homemade meal and warm bed as love. Just as any relationship needs constant care and nourishment, the relationship with our kids is no different. Kids thrive when they know they are safe and loved, they can reach farther and grow stronger when they know they have the support of their family behind them.
While there are no better words than ‘I love you’ sometimes actions do truly speak louder than words, especially when it comes to our kids and what follows are 20 small actions that speak volumes to how special our kids are to us.

Hug the Daylights Out of Them
Hug your kids so tight they complain. Get down on their level to hug them. Chances are when you are both standing you end up just hugging their head and they end up hugging your butt. Get down on their level and wrap your arms around them as far as they will go — the hug you will get in return will be even more magical.

Send Them Mail
It's just $0.42 to mail a card while you're out and about to your kid at home. If your kid is anything like any other kid I know, they LOVE getting mail, no matter what it is or where it's from. Bonus points if it's filled with confetti.

Remember What They Liked
Addie asked back in October if she could have a Hoops and YoYo birthday card from Hallmark for her birthday in December. I remembered later on and her mind was blown.

Draw on Their Mirror
Eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick ... we all have old products we don't use or like. Why not use it to draw a smiley face or heart for your child to admire as they brush their teeth?

Call Them When You're Away
I travel fairly often for work and make it a point to call Addie at least once or twice during the day. If I can't actually talk to her I'll leave her a message she can listen to whenever she wants. She'll also call me back when she can and leave me messages. Her little voice on the phone is one of the best sounds in the world.

Drop in on a Child's Class
It can be tempting to use that hour your child is at an extracurricular class to run errands, but it may mean the world to them to have you stay and watch them.

Ignore the Phone for Them
One of the blessings of caller ID is you know who's calling and you can easily call someone back. If I'm hanging out with my daughters and my phone rings, I'll turn it off. When she asks why, I respond "I'm with YOU right now." It always gets her to smile.

Host a Post-it Note Scavenger Hunt
When we were first married, my husband and I worked opposite shifts, so he would leave me Post-it notes on everything I used in the morning to get ready for work. If you have a different schedule than your child, you can do the same thing. Put one on the mirror, one on their toothbrush, one on the front door — wherever you know they'll look in the morning.

Keep a Journal with Them
Addie and I started a gratitude journal on January 1st and it's been so wonderful to see the little things she's thankful for, and to be able to write how thankful I am for little things she does so she can read them later.

Pick Things Up for Them
The receptionist at my baby's doctor always tries to give my 8-month-old stickers, but I save them and give them to Addie instead. It doesn't have to be much, a little souvenir, a favorite treat, a heart-shaped rock or a beautiful leaf ... something that shows them that even when you weren't together you were thinking of them.

Have a Secret Love Word
"Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you." Any other Phineas and Ferb fans out there? Come up with a little secret saying or hand movement that says "I love you" to your child without getting all gushy in front of their friends.

Make Fun Sandwiches
You could get a fancy sandwich cutter, or you could just use a cookie cutter. Even better? Just use a knife. A heart shaped sandwich can make any day better.

Brag About Them
Tell other grownups on occasion something wonderful your child did when you know they can hear you. Sometimes having them right by you as you talk them up can make them uncomfortable, but having them within earshot lets them know how proud you are of them.

Put a Funny Picture in Their Pocket
Or in their backpack, wherever you know they'll look. Maybe in a mitten. They can either keep it all to themselves or show it to their friends — before soon, they'll have an entire collection.

Wait for Them at the Door
As soon as I hear the bus round the corner I head to the window with Vivi and wave at Addie until she's at the front door. If Vivi's asleep I'll wait at the door to hug her. I once had a cab driver in Toronto that said having his mom hug him everyday when he got home from school meant more to him than anything else in his entire childhood.

Draw in Their Lunch
Have you ever seen lunchbox daily? This dad draws a new (amazing) cartoon or joke in his kid's lunchbox everyday. He's becoming "the lunchbox guy" around his kid's school.

Leave Them Love Notes
My personal favorite place to leave a love note is on her pillow or just under her blanket. I usually leave her one when I head out with my friends for the evening and she'll be asleep before I get home.

Tell Them Stories About Themselves
I have photo albums filled with baby pictures of my oldest. She loves to look through them with me and hear stories about what she was like as a baby.

Meet Them for Lunch
Find out when your child's lunch hour is at school and swap stories over brown bags and PB&J.

Date Them
A local restaurant has a happy hour every weekday from 2-4 where all drinks and milkshakes are 1/2 price. For $4, my little lady and I can have the elementary equivalent of chatting over coffee. Both my husband and I make a point to spend one-on-one time with our oldest daughter, especially since the baby came along.

Ignore the Phone for Them
One of the blessings of caller ID is you know who's calling and you can easily call someone back. If I'm hanging out with my daughters and my phone rings, I'll turn it off. When she asks why, I respond "I'm with YOU right now." It always gets her to smile.

Happy Sunday Friends! Take today to ENJOY the blessings in your life!

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